Friday, August 29, 2008

Time Out!!!

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What to do when your kids miss behave and time out in a corner doesn't work?
Take picuters of them and photoshop them into a glass jar. lol
That way at least in your mind you know they where in time out lol.

Monday, August 25, 2008

My happy Birthday boy

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I can't believe my baby just turned two today; time sure does go by fast when your having fun!

Expectant Mother

Being a mother means that your heart is no longer yours; it wanders wherever your children do.
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Friday, August 15, 2008


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So, last night our family went to a BBQ, where they had lobster, ribs, hot wings and some other great stuff, and my kids being the boys they are they where out there fighting with the rest of the boys and so I let their daddy handle that lol. But I saw this little girl who I think is so cute and decide to play peek-a-boo and I just happend to capture this cute little pictures of Addison.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Boys Will be Boys!

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Boys will be Boys, giving mommy daily headaches lol!

Where's my clean Laundry?????

Well, I have to say I found my clean laundry all over my floors, which means I

will have to re-wash. Oh-well it was all in the name of fun. lol