Monday, July 28, 2008

At the End of the Day

I hardly ever take pictures of my husband, (he won't let me)but I like these shots I got of him, it really shows who he is, and of course tired. But his expression is what I really like. I can tell he had a lot on his mind and need a minute to unwind from work to dedicate time to us.

Friday, July 25, 2008

We only part to meet again.

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Well, I just recently took a photo session of this couple and now they have to say their good byes to eachother. Due to Army relocation, both are relocating to diffrent places to follow their dreams. I wish them both the best and hope all their dreams come true. But just remember, "The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning."

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ice Cream & Glasses

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Kids are a great entertainment lol. I gave my 23 month old baby some ice cream sat him on the floor. He was enjoying it so much I decided to throw my glasses into the mix to see what he would do and OMG! he was having a blast! I then had to reach for my camera and take these shot!

Crossing People's Paths....

I took this picture while my family and I we're driving to a Army family function. I thought "Oh cool picture!", But while I was uploading this pictures to my computer I realized something that I have always thought was amazing. Crossing, the crossing of people's paths. As I took the picture it was a quick second and in a quick second I saw this trains path, though I didn't know where it leads to, I knew it had a destination and a path to follow, Just like most of the people we meet in our life. We see them, we meet them and we talk for a quick second about future paths. Some times we meet people we really like to be around and sometime, just sometimes we will try to follow their path. Some times we meet people who have touch our life's in such wonderful ways and ultimately change our lifes and our paths for the better good of ourselves. I am a person who believes in "Things happen for a reason". So when we meet people, even though we don't know it yet, there is a strong reason why we meet them, why we cross paths. It might be that we met each other for the smallest reason, but with the biggest out come. There are also those times where some people cross our lifes to teach us. Teach us how to be better people or how to be better parents, better students, better teachers, better lovers, better thinkers or simply better at loving ourselves. To all the people I have met in my life I have to say Thank You! for making me the person I am today.Thanks for tagging along, making great memories with me and teaching me new things I still practice. So when ever you see a crossroad signs think about the people you have met and the thousands of people you are about to meet, because we are like a train, making our own track in life taking people along with us until their stop has arrived, and perserve those memories for a the long journey ahead.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


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The weather has been so beautiful in our area so my son wanted to chill in the nice weather out side and color. I saw how busy he was coloring and I just had to capture the intense moment of him working on his master piece. Of course as soon as he heard my shutter go off, his humor guy also went off lol.

Summer Splash!!

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Okay this one is very funny to My son, was working on his dives in the small kiddy pool in our backyard. As I was watching them and laughing my butt off with my husband we both said "Awww to be young again and full of energy" lol